Encrypted Debian Live CD/USB key

Use live-helper to create a loop-AES encrypted live CD or USB key

at least 3 GB free disk space will be required, and better you have either a fast and reliable internet connection or apt-cacher working: live-helper will need to download some hundreds megabytes of .debs from a debian mirror


1) install the live helper package

root@host:~# apt-get install live-helper

2) make a dedicated directory and enter in it

root@host:~# mkdir DebianLive
root@host:~# cd DebianLive

3) prepare the configuration (see: lh_config useful options)

root@host:~/DebianLive# lh_config -b usb-hdd -d lenny -e aes256

4) finetune your configuration, adding stuff you want in the live-system (see: finetuning)

5) issue the image (it takes quite long, and will prompt for encryption password)

root@host:~/DebianLive# lh_build

6) write the image to usb key (important: dd will erase all data on the whole key! Double-check wherever your USB key is really in /dev/sda and if you have important data in it!)

root@host:~/DebianLive# dd if=binary.img of=/dev/sda bs=1M


lh_config useful options

append this options to the lh_config command

you can also manually change the values directly in the config/ directory!

-d lenny   # choose the debian distribution to use (lenny/squeeze/sid)

-b iso   # create an iso9660 image, for CD
-b usb-hdd   # create an image for USB keys or HD

--mirror-bootstrap   # use your own apt-proxy/mirror/cacher
--mirror-chroot   # use your own apt-proxy/mirror/cacher
--mirror-chroot-security   # use your own apt-proxy/mirror/cacher

--mirror-binary http://ftp.de.debian.org/mirror/debian/   # added to the live system's /etc/apt/sources.list
--mirror-binary-security http://security.debian.org/   # added to the live system's /etc/apt/sources.list

--debian-installer enabled   # include the debian network installer in your image
--debian-installer-distribution lenny   # choose the debian installer distribution to use (lenny/squeeze/sid)

--cache-indices enabled   # use it to issue an image when you're offline
--binary-indices disabled   # use it to issue an image when you're offline

--packages-lists "my_package_list"   # install the files listed in config/chroot_locale-packageslist/my_package_list



Useful packages (not in debian official repositories) added to my live-system:

|-- truecrypt_6.1a-0_i386.deb
`-- w32codecs_20071007-0.1_i386.deb

Useful configuration files, copied from my computer to my live system:

|-- etc
|   |-- locale.nopurge
|   |-- privoxy
|   |   `-- config
|   |-- skel
|   |   `-- .bashrc
|   |-- ssh
|   |   `-- ssh_config
|   `-- vim
|       `-- vimrc
`-- root
    `-- .bashrc

Content of "my_package_list" file:

#include <lxde>

### Console tools
openssh-client screen rsync gpart wipe nmap mtr localepurge
# ssss

### Grafik
abiword gimp xsane
# inkscape

### Multimedia
audacious mpg321 vorbis-tools mp3blaster mplayer

### Communications
pidgin pidgin-otr pidgin-encryption irssi irssi-plugin-otr twinkle
#claws-mail claws-mail-pgpmime

### Tor
tor privoxy

### Browser
iceweasel mozilla-noscript iceweasel-torbutton konqueror tork

### X
openbox yakuake

### Laptop
cpufreqd kismet aircrack-ng

### Filesystems
hfsplus hfsutils ntfs-3g ntfsprogs xfsprogs encfs sshfs


making another image

To make another image in the same directory, before running the lh_config command, clear the old bootstrap, chroot and cache running:

lh_clean --purge



Debian Live Project homepage

Debian Live Wiki

last update: inputs_marmalade 3/03/2009

contributions / feedback / questions

gpg public key